Change of address and forwarding

It may seem simple to just change your address, but a missed note or outdated information can lead to lost letters, missed invoices or important messages not getting through. In this guide, we dive deeper into these processes, to ensure you can navigate this important step with confidence and efficiency when moving to your new home.

Notification to the tax authorities:

Notifying the Tax Agency of your new address is not only important for tax purposes, but it also ensures that other government services and authorities have the right information about your place of residence.

  • Online: Visit the Swedish Tax Agency website and log in with your BankID or equivalent. Under "My details" there is a section for changing your address.
  • Personal visit: If you prefer to do this in person, you can visit your nearest tax office. Remember to bring a valid ID with you.
  • Postal: Fill in a change of address form and send it to the Tax Agency.

Whichever method you choose, remember to also notify any other relevant authorities, such as the Social Security Agency, of your new address.

Forwarding by post:

This step ensures that your mail reaches your new address, even if the sender does not have your updated address.

  • Start: Set the date you want the posting to start. This should usually coincide with your moving date.
  • End: Choose how long you want to have a postponement. This can be anything from a few months to a year, depending on your situation and what the postal service offers.
  • To order: visit the postal service website or one of their offices. Fill in the necessary information, including your old address, new address and the dates you selected.
  • Fees: While change of address is usually free, forwarding may come with a fee. This depends on the duration of the service and your geographical location.

The most common provider for mail forwarding can be found here.

Check your mail:

Once you have completed these steps, you should start receiving mail at your new address within a few working days. If you notice that you do not receive your mail, contact the postal service to solve the problem.'

Extra tips:

  • Mailbox: Make sure your mailbox is clearly marked with your name so that the mail is delivered correctly.
  • Digital mail: Consider signing up for a digital mail service (if available) to receive letters electronically instead.
  • Notify others: Beyond the authorities and the postal service, don't forget to notify your bank, insurance company, subscription providers and other important parties of your new address.

Following this detailed guide will ensure that both the tax authorities and the postal service are updated on your new place of residence, ensuring a smooth transition in terms of official documents and mail.

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