Checklist for the move!

Moving is hard and time-consuming, there's a lot to remember and get done. We can help you with your move in an efficient and inexpensive way that allows you to avoid stress and relax while we take care of the move. However, if you still want to move yourself, you can use our moving checklist!

  • Budget for the move: Calculate the cost of hiring a moving van, hiring movers, buying boxes and other packing materials, and any other costs.
  • Sort and clean: Before you start packing, take time to sort through your things. Sell, donate or throw away things you no longer need or want to take with you.
  • Packing: Pack things room by room, and clearly label the boxes with the room they are going to in the new home. Also write a short description of what is in each box.
  • Valuable and sensitive items: Pack valuable and sensitive items separately, and consider taking them with you during the move to prevent damage or loss.
  • Change your address: notify the tax authorities of your move and change your address with other relevant institutions and companies, such as your bank, insurance company and newspaper subscriptions.
  • Cancellation of services and contracts: Remember to cancel or transfer your services such as internet, electricity, water and TV.
  • Cleaning: Plan for the cleaning of your old home. Many rental agreements require you to carry out a thorough cleaning before you move out.
  • Notification of move: Don't forget to notify your move so that your mail arrives at the right address.
  • Plan your moving day: Make sure you have a clear plan for your moving day, including transportation and help from friends or professional movers.
  • Pack a first-night box: This should contain things you will need immediately when you arrive in your new home, such as toiletries, clothes for the next day, chargers, medicines and some kitchen utensils.

After the move or during the move, it is also a good idea:

Meet the neighbors: Introduce yourself to your new neighbors when you move in. It is always nice to know the people in your new area.

Explore your new neighborhood: Learn where the nearest grocery store, pharmacy, hospital and other important places are.

Good luck with the move!

We hope your move goes well!

If you have any questions or concerns and want help with your move or parts of your move, we are here to help you make your move as smooth and efficient as possible!